What is Nourish the Chidlren
Nourish the Children (NTC) is an initiative that applies business principles to address the problem of childhood hunger in a sustainable manner. The program begins with a nutrient-dense food, VitaMeal, developed by Nu Skin scientists. The company’s Brand Affiliates, customers, and employees can purchase VitaMeal and choose to donate the food to a third-party nonprofit organization that specializes in distributing relief to those suffering from malnutrition and famine.
What has been the impact of the NTC initiative?
Since Nourish the Children was created in 2002, we have provided 650 million servings of VitaMeal to children in more than 60 countries and have given them an opportunity
to thrive.
In 2018 alone, the Nourish the Children initiative provided
more than 44 million meals, helping nourish 120,000
children every day.
What are the Ambassador and Chief Ambassador qualifications?
What are the Ambassador and Chief Ambassador
qualifications under the new program?
Ambassador qualifications will now be based on the number
of meals donated, instead of number of bags donated. Under the old qualification program, the requirement was to purchase and donate 16 bags of Vitameal a month for two consecutive months. At least four of those bags per month had to be personally purchased by you, your customers, or your Members. The remaining qualifying bags could be purchased by you or by your registered Brand Affiliates. To qualify as a Chief Ambassador, you had to meet all of the Ambassador qualifications, plus have three registered Brand Affiliates who are also new or active Ambassadors.
Under the new program, the qualifications for Ambassador and Chief Ambassador are the same, except we will be looking at the number of meals donated instead of bags. Ambassador meal donation requirements for the month will be 480, and at least 120 of these meals must be purchased by you, your customers, or your Members.