Clean Energy Project 1-- ZIPmow
ZIPmow Remote Control Mower
ZIPmow is an advanced remote control lawn mower that makes it fast and easy to mow your grass. It is the first of its kind with 100% battery power for a clean and quiet experience.

An RC (Remote Control) lawn mower frees a person from having to walk behind and push, or sit on top and steer a lawn mower. The mower is operated from a simple, hand-held device while standing or sitting at a safe distance. This is not only beneficial to elderly and people with disabilities, but also for anyone who mows grass. The drudgery of the job is taken away and can even be fun! There is also the added safety of not having to be near the mower blades when the machine is in operation.
ZIPmow Advantages
ZIPmow Advantages
Just relax in a comfortable spot and direct the mower where to go with the remote control.
Moves at jogging speed to make quick work of your lawn. It cuts a 20 inch strip of grass on each pass.
Electric motors are almost silent. The only thing you hear are the blades moving through the air and the grass getting cut.
Once you turn it on, you can always be at a safe distance from the cutting blades.
Moves quickly and easily and instantly turns to any direction. Can easily climb hills of over 25 degrees.
Powerful motors and razor sharp blades easily cut through all types of grass producing a professional looking result.
Uses two 18 volt power tool batteries that you can share with other power tools. Also allows quick change to fresh batteries when the job is not finished. No waiting for recharging.
100 percent electric powered. There is no pollution and no smell. Also there is no gas or oil to deal with and store.
Uses less than 150 watts of energy to cut your lawn!
Weighs just 18 pounds! Easy to carry wherever you need with its convenient handle.
No gas and no oil to buy. Just recharge the batteries between uses.
ZIPmow Usage
ZIPmow is for small to medium sized yards that are currently maintained by push mowers or small riding mowers.